Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I was able to take some time away from all the paperwork and phone calls for my transplant to have family in town and make Thanksgiving Dinner.  We celebrate Thanksgiving on Tuesday because so many of our family members work on Thursday at Casino's.   It was a grand total of 15 hours of cooking but a lot of fun and a lot of beer.  
Holly (My sister in law) and I started on Monday night preparing breakfast for the morning and getting the birds ready- all three of them!!  I can't even tell you how funny it was to try and get Holly to pull out the neck from the cavity.   I haven't laughed so hard in a long time- it was a really fun night.
Tuesday everyone came over and we ate and ate and ate...I learned I made way too much food.  And the desserts everyone brought were also way to much, but it was great.   Now on the real Thanksgiving I get to hang out at home with Alexa and Jordan all day and relax, which I am really looking forward to.
OK- off to Jordan's school as I need to bring the Turkey I made for class in for their party.
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!!!!  Will write again after my December 1st transplant meeting.
(I have added some photo's of our events that past 2 days)

Holly Getting the Bird Ready!!!
I think she gave up- it feels gross she says.

So I had to do it, Thanks for the bunny ears JO!

Both girls helping their Mom :)

Alexa filling the water for the brine- can't even get her to put her book down for a few minutes!!

Done for the night now we get to relax.

Hanging out before everyone came over.

Our finished product!!

The Name Places the Girls made for everyone!

Never can have enough sweets!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Phone Call Today

Got the call for my first transplant meeting-  Oh great, today of all days- I was already emotionally beat up from work.    December 1st at 2:00PM we will have your first meeting with UMC from Tuscon.  Here is the write up- A consultation with UMC’s transplant physician will be scheduled. The evaluation begins with the consultation visit. Meetings will occur with the transplant financial coordinators, clinical social worker and transplant nurse coordinator. Laboratory and medical tests will follow.

Oh well. onto to better things- Tracy is coming this week so I get to forget all my troubles for a few days :)  And next week Deac's brother and family are coming.  I am making 3 turkeys- 2 for the 18 people that are coming over to my house and 1 for Jordan's first grade class plus multiple side dishes.  Wish me luck- it will be a day of cooking next Tuesday- I will post photos and rise to this challenge!!!  I can't wait to see my best friend and my family, what a great week.  Mols

Tuesday, November 9, 2010 happened again!!!

Well I was hoping that the last time I went to the Doctor and was told I was close to the end it was just a fluke.  However, I had another appointment today and got the bad news again...only this time it was WORSE!!!  I am now at the dreaded 20%...the number I always was hoping to not hear.

I will write later about what I learned at my dialysis class- although I wasn't paying as much attention as my sister or mother. 

So just to give you the news of the day:  They are setting up a meeting with the transplant center to start testing me to get me on the transplant list.   I am also starting to get my testing done to put the tube in my stomach to start dialysis.  I am not sure what the tube is called cause I was not paying attention- I was too busy giggling at the ant's that were crawling all over the room and on my family. 

I also have to get cleared for the mass on my liver to make sure it will not interfere with my transplant so more Doctors and MRI again.

As I learn more I will let you know but for now what I can tell you is I choose a dialysis that is done through the stomach at home for 10 hours a night.  We just moved into a 1 story house so I can drag the machine around the house and will not be strapped to my bed for that long.

Today I am thankful that this is not a death sentence but a change in lifestyle and I am thankful I have a job that I work from home and can even work in bed when needed.      The scariest thing to me right now is not being able to wear my skinny jeans anymore- the tube is place right by the belt so I have to choose clothes that do not push on it :(  BOOOO......

Here is a photo of what it will look like :)