Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My Hero....

I hope Sara doesn't read this or she might get a big head....HA HA.   Ok seriously I just have to say that no matter what happens, even if they say my sister isn't a match or she can't donate I already feel like she is my hero for giving me hope.  Hope has made me push through and stay positive, feel better and have something to look forward to.

For anyone who decides to even test to be a donor it is such a selfless choice.  I am so proud of her for stepping up and offering her body for me yet again- when I was having a hard time getting pregnant she offered to carry a baby for me- although I was lucky enough to carry both of my children.  Anytime I need her she is there for me. 

We never hang out that much even though we live in the same city- unless I am having a margarita laying in her pool I don't get to see her often.  However, the past few weeks we are spending more time together so whatever happens I am just so thankful for the fact that I have Sara in my life more.   Now I just have to talk her into not ever wanting to transfer back to the twin cities for work!!  Sara- you can have the house in Malibu if you stay :)

Here are a few photo's of our outings.  PS- I was not drinking in the photo's it was in a nightclub and the flash kept making my eyes squint so the last one I tried to open them really big!!

Thanks Collette for always having a camera! 

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