Monday, February 7, 2011

Is it a fluke?

I hate to put things in writing because I feel like I might speak too soon.  But the past week I have been feeling better then I have in the past few months.  Is it because I let go and decided to only let positive energy in me, is it just a bump?  I have what's called a baseline which means my kidneys fluctuate and sometimes the GFR (which is basically my function) raises.  I have had my GFR jump 6 points before and I really feel like it jumped up again.  Last month I was at 15 so I am very curious when I go on Wed to my appointment what my new stat is. 

Plus I can tell in my body- I have small bruises all over my legs and they are almost gone!  I have gained 4 pounds which is hard to do right now.  The black circles under my eyes are getting much better.  I have not needed to take a nap the past few days and have energy to go the 12 hours I used to.

I must say from what so many of my friends and family tell me I am on many prayer lists and I truly believe all that energy has been passed back to me.  By the grace of God I am healthy enough at this moment to enjoy friends and life.   I don't want to have false hope so I am trying not to think maybe I am one of the 2% that goes into spontaneous remission but know that this is just him giving me what I was praying for to not be so sick.

If I can feel this way and get a transplant in the next few months then that means minimal interruption to my life which is WAY MORE then I could ever ask for.

If I keep feeling this way I think I should take the girls to Disneyland this month in case I can't travel the next few months if I get a kidney.   I am thankful that their father will take them on vacations this summer so the girls still will get to do all the traveling they love to do!  I want going to the Midwest and running in the grass, seeing the animals at the farms and walking to get ice cream be part of their memories as a child.  Vegas is great and I love it but as a kid there is nothing like the country or the suburbs back home.

Ok I will write after my doctors appointment and let you know if I did go up on my numbers or if I was just reading too much into this right now.  I can't wait for the weekend and is hard to work when I just want to have fun right now :_)

1 comment:

  1. Hey fighter go with it, It is only a fluke if you think it is! You are alive, aware and enthusiastic about life. With all that Love
    energy coming your way you have enough to send
    out into the universe with more to share. Will
    be waiting for the update tomorrow. Hugs and
    Gramma love!
